IBM is Turning to Video to Make Its Point
While most of VideoNuze's coverage is of online video's impact on the media and entertainment industries, I'm constantly on the lookout for examples ofhow video adoption is infiltrating other organizations. Therefore, a new case study about IBM Software Services from Lotus, presented by video platform vzaar, hit my radar. In it, Mark Leaser, Worldwide Offerings Manager, describes how he and others at IBM are increasingly using video for internal sales training and communication, along with external marketing. I caught up with Mark yesterday to learn more.
Mark explained that he's turning to video more often because of its dramatically higher impact vs. either text or slides. Using IBM software that allows him to track how often materials he distributes are reviewed, Mark has determined that when video is used it is at least 10-20 times more likely to be reviewed and acted on. Mark is convinced that with online video consumption skyrocketing, our brains are becoming more conditioned to prefer video to other media (he notes this could be an evolution or devolution of humankind, depending on your perspective!)
Interestingly, Mark reports that inexpensive, do-it-yourself video works equally well, and this has allowed him to decrease his reliance on high-end video professionals which can charge $10K-15K per video. Often Mark is combining webcam video of himself with screen captures to narrate presentations or proposals. The result is more compelling and easier to understand than text or slide-only alternatives. Mark said that powerful, affordable software has made it very straightforward to create video packages, and cites examples like the iPhone 4 which includes a version of iMovie for remote editing, as yet another example of increasing ease-of-use and convenience.
Hosting is another area where Mark said things have dramatically improved.Sometimes he is using internal IBM hosting, other times YouTube, and still other times vzaar's video hosting platform. Mark said vzaar offers a simple solution where video is easy to post and includes embedded players. The advantage is it allows him to make video available fast and reliably.
Mark said there are likely at least 50 colleagues throughout IBM who have also embraced video as a communications alternative. While that's still a tiny percentage of IBM's vast employee base, this group of early adopters is getting noticed. He notes that the current generation of IT decision-makers require high-energy, lively presentations to gain their attention. That makes video a natural. I've been a believer for some time that the tens of billions of YouTube and other online video streams now consumed each month will inevitably influence workplace practices. The new IBM case study provides evidence this is already happening.
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