Once again, it has been an exciting year in the world of online video and great fun to report on and analyze the year's significant happenings. I know you have many choices concerning what to read, and so I want to thank you for spending time with VideoNuze. It's a pleasure to engage with you and get feedback on my posts - favorable or otherwise!
2013 is shaping up to be another transformative year for online video and the larger video ecosystem. Led by the proliferation of viewing devices, shifting consumer behaviors, innovative business models and evolving technologies, much change is still ahead. I look forward to covering all of it and interacting with many of you along the way.
I also want to say thank you to all of VideoNuze's sponsors in 2012 - on the web site, email and live events. They are critical to VideoNuze's success and I am deeply appreciative for their support.
I'll be taking some R&R next week, and won't be posting anything new unless some big news breaks, which is unlikely. I'd like to wish you and your families a happy, healthy holiday season and all the best in 2013!
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