As Friday winds down, I wanted to share a few quick thoughts on VideoNuze's first week.
First, a huge thanks to the many of you who have emailed or called with positive feedback on VideoNuze. It looks like the site's analyses and news aggregation are addressing real marketplace needs, as I hoped they would. It's also been gratifying to hear favorable reactions to the site's design and usability, about which my development team and I sweated every detail. I'm a big believer that no matter how great the content, if it's not easy to find and digest, it just doesn't matter.
A number of folks have called out the "Categories" feature on the site as especially useful for doing research, while others have cited the Search feature on the main nav, which returns results from both the Analyses and News Roundup sections of the site, as very handy. Type your company's name in and see!
Meanwhile, on the "needs improvement" side, I've heard from a number of you that you're receiving multiple copies of the daily email. Please contact me if this is happening to you. I'm troubleshooting this now with my email vendor and it's possible that it's an Outlook issue. If so, there's a fix.
Some of you have contacted me about email formatting issues. Regrettably, this is an agonizing area which can never be 100% resolved. Outlook '07 does not support many basic formatting functions, while other email programs also have limitations. We're working to optimize as much as possible, but in the meantime, I've found Yahoo and Gmail seem to handle formatting the best. If you have an account with one of them you may want to receive VideoNuze there. Or you can sign up for the VideoNuze RSS feeds or just come to the web site (also good alternatives if a daily email is too much to handle).
I've received recommendations for analyses from quite a few of you. Keep those coming, I'm always eager to hear your ideas. I can't act on all, but will do my best.
Lastly, I've heard lots of positive reaction from current sponsors and expressions of interest from potential sponsors. Sponsor support is of course critical to VideoNuze's success, so if reaching a highly engaged, broadband video decision-maker audience is key to your business plan, by all means drop me a line.
I have lots more exciting things planned for VideoNuze in the coming weeks and months, so please keep on visiting. And don't be shy about giving me your feedback!
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Topics: VideoNuze