We're now just 2 1/2 weeks away from VideoNuze's Broadband Video Leadership Evening, on Tuesday, March 17th in New York City. There are 160+ people registered and the event will be a premier opportunity to meet industry colleagues and learn from top-tier digital media executives on the front lines of the video revolution.
We'll start with a "VideoSchmooze" cocktail/networking reception from 6pm - 7:30pm, followed by a panel discussion I'll moderate from 7:30pm - 9pm titled, "Broadband Video '09: Building the Road to Profitability." The panel includes:
Click here to learn more and register now!
There is so much happening in the broadband video world these days that we'll have lots to discuss. We'll certainly dig into the implications of Hulu's recent decision to pull its content from Boxee and TV.com, Comcast and Time Warner Cable's intent to bring cable TV programs online for their subscribers and Nielsen and comScore's recent data around video viewership trends. It's going to be an exciting and insightful panel for sure!
The event will be held at the Hudson Theater on West 44th Street just off Times Square. NATPE, VideoNuze's partner since launch, is on board for the event. And I'm extremely grateful to lead sponsor Move Networks and supporting sponsors ExtendMedia, Horn Group, mPoint and PermissionTV who are making the evening possible.
I've set up a Facebook group so you can start meeting other attendees and also keep up to date on all the recent broadband news we'll discuss on the panel. I also created a short video with key highlights of the evening (thanks to PermissionTV for production assistance).
Categories: Events