Here's another great reason to sign up for an early bird discounted ticket to the June 4th VideoNuze Online Video Advertising Summit in NYC on June 4th: all early bird registrants will be eligible to win a Samsung 40-inch Smart TV, presented by VideoHub. As has become the custom at VideoNuze events, we'll be doing the drawing right before lunch. The drawing is always one of the highlights of the day, and I'm grateful to VideoHub for their support this year.
This will be the 3rd Video Ad Summit and it's shaping up to be a high-impact day of learning and networking. At last year's event, 350+ executives from around the video ecosystem of content providers, agencies, brands and technology companies attended and I expect similar attendance this year. I have begun posting some of the sessions and will provide more details in the next week or two.
I'm extremely grateful to all of the 16 industry-leading companies that are supporting this year's Video Ad Summit: Premier Partners Adap.TV, Adobe, Akamai, TubeMogul, ValueClick and YuMe; Headline Partners Altitude Digital, BlackArrow, Collective, Innovid, LiveRail, VideoHub and Videology, plus Branding Partners EXPO, Extreme Reach and Mixpo. All of them will have representatives at the event and it will be a great opportunity to engage with them.
(Note: if you've already registered, you're eligible)
I look forward to seeing you on June 4th!
Categories: Events