Amazon Studios has greenlit yet another comedy pilot. Betas, a show that Amazon says is about four Silicon Valley "computer geeks" attempting to create the code and product that will make them their fortune, is the eight comedy show that has come out of Amazon Studios. Amazon greenlit six comedies back in December and gave the nod to Zombieland just a few days ago. The show sounds rather similar to one pilot from that first slate of shows — Browsers is another comedy pilot about young people in the tech world.
It's just the latest bit of evidence that Amazon is going to push hard on more affordable comedies and family shows as it tries to break into the world of original content and gain a loyal stable of viewers. By comparison, the dramas that Netflix produces are some of the most expensive shows being made today. Much like the other 13 comedy and childrens shows being worked on from Amazon Studios, viewers will get to watch the shows over Amazon Instant Video and through Lovefilm UK and Germany and offer feedback to see which shows will get a full season. Betas will star Ed Begley Jr., Jon Daly, Joe Dinicol, Margo Harshman, Charlie Saxton, and Karan Soni; the pilot will be directed by Michael Lehmann (director of Heathers).