Wochit, whose technology allows publishers to quickly create short-form, shareable videos from a rights-cleared library, has reported strong 2015 momentum, along with new features. Wochit said it grew revenues 300% in 2015 while doubling the number of customers. The US grew 200% and Europe 450%, with similar growth rates expected in 2016.
Wochit is benefiting from the larger industry trend of publishers’ desire to inexpensively create engaging video that often accompanies traditional text-based stories. With users’ insatiable appetite to watch short-form video on social/mobile, Wochit-created videos give publishers the ability to greatly increase their footprint, as well as tap into video advertising.
Wochit has a library of pre-licensed video from AP, Reuters, Getty Images, AFP, Bloomberg and others that publishers such as Gannett, Huffington Post, CNET, Spiegel Online, ProSiebenSat.1 and others can access to quickly produce short videos using Wochit’s editor.
As examples, Wochit highlighted a penguin awareness day video that USA Today posted on Facebook which gained 130K views and a happy 19th birthday video for singer Lorde that HuffPo posted on Facebook which drove 100K+ views, among others. As you can see from these videos, they also include voice-over or text narration, which are features of the Wochit editing platform.
Wochit said newly introduced features include one click upload to multiple social networks and blogs/web sites, an updated UI, instant preview, updates to the editor and additional licensed content.
Categories: Startups, Technology
Topics: Wochit