You Can Now Use 'Netflix for Torrents' Popcorn Time in Your Browser

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It’s over a year since Popcorn Time burst on to the scene, allowing you to stream torrents rather than download them. It’s had its ups and downs—but now you can use it in your browser.

The new website, at, provides much the same service as Popcorn Time always has. Just now it’s in your browser. As we’ve explained in the past, Popcorn time has had a rough ride:

The original, open source PopcornTime project has gone through a lot of ups and downs over the last year. That first project, which allows you to stream torrents from a Netflix-like interface shut down voluntarily under legal pressure almost immediately after launching. Development of the software was carried on by a number of different groups, most notably notably the anonymous coders who have a new closed-source version and now call home. Their original domain at was seized last fall.

How long this version will work remains to be seen. Better use it while you can, if illegal piracy’s your bag. Or you could just watch legal torrents . Up to you.[Popcorn In Your Browser]
