Posts for 'Events'

  • NAB Show Will Focus on Broadband Content

    I'm excited to be partnering with NAB for its annual show in Las Vegas April 18-23. NAB is putting an emphasis on broadband content in a new "Content Commerce Pavilion" in the Central Hall. There will be a great mix of exhibiting companies including Akamai, Brightcove, Electronic Arts, Limelight, Volo Media and others. Adjacent to the pavilion will be the content theater, where exciting back-to-back panels, demos and presentations will be held. I'll be moderating two sessions, one on what broadcasters are doing with broadband video, and the other on the syndicated video economy and how it relates to broadcasters.

    VideoNuze readers can click here and use code "X104" to obtain a free show pass. There are exhibitor opportunities still available. Contact me to learn more.

  • Video Overview of March 17th Broadband Video Leadership Event

    Here's a short video overview of the March 17th Broadband Video Leadership Evening (thanks to Permission TV for producing). Note that I misspoke and that the price for an individual ticket is actually $60. More information and registration is at Look forward to seeing you there!

    Below is the video, powered by Move Networks:
  • Early Bird Tickets Expire Tomorrow for March 17th NYC Broadband Leadership Evening

    A reminder that early bird discount tickets will expire tomorrow for VideoNuze's next event, the Broadband Video Leadership Evening, on Tuesday, March 17th in New York City. The event will be a premier opportunity to meet industry colleagues and learn from top-tier digital media executives on the front lines of the video revolution.

    We'll start with a "VideoSchmooze" cocktail/networking reception from 6pm - 7:30pm, followed by a panel discussion I'll moderate from 7:30pm - 9pm titled, "Broadband Video '09: Building the Road to Profitability." The panel includes:

    • Albert Cheng, EVP, Digital Media, Disney/ABC Television Group
    • Greg Clayman, EVP, Digital Distribution & Business Development, MTV Networks
    • John Edwards, President and CEO, Move Networks
    • Karin Gilford, SVP, Fancast and Online Entertainment, Comcast Interactive Media
    • Curt Hecht, President, VivaKi (Publicis Groupe)

    Click here to learn more and register for the early bird discount

    The event will be held at the Hudson Theater on West 44th Street just off Times Square. I'm pleased to have NATPE, VideoNuze's partner since launch, on board for the event. And I'm extremely grateful to lead sponsor Move Networks and supporting sponsors ExtendMedia, Horn Group, mPoint and PermissionTV who are making the evening possible.

    I've set up a Facebook group so you can start meeting other attendees and also keep up to date on all the recent broadband news we'll discuss on the panel.

    Note this event is on the evening before the start of the McGraw-Hill Media Summit in NYC; if you're coming into town for that, plan accordingly to join us as well!

    Click here to learn more and register for the early bird discount

  • 1 Week Left for Early Bird Discount Tickets to March 17th NYC Leadership Event

    A reminder that early bird discounts will end next Fri, Feb. 20th for VideoNuze's next event, the Broadband Video Leadership Evening on Tuesday, March 17th in New York City. If you're trying to make sense of the noise and excitement of the rapidly-evolving video landscape, this event is a must-attend. But why pay full fare - register today to get the early bird discount!

    The evening will start with a "VideoSchmooze" cocktail/networking reception from 6pm - 7:30pm, followed by a panel discussion I'll moderate from 7:30pm - 9pm titled, "Broadband Video '09: Building the Road to Profitability." We have panel of top-tier digital media executives including:

    • Albert Cheng, EVP, Digital Media, Disney/ABC Television Group
    • Greg Clayman, EVP, Digital Distribution & Business Development, MTV Networks
    • Karin Gilford, SVP, Fancast and Online Entertainment, Comcast Interactive Media
    • Curt Hecht, President, VivaKi (Publicis Groupe)
    • Tom Morgan, Chief Strategy Officer, Move Networks

    Click here to learn more and register for the early bird discount

    All of these companies are industry leaders, pushing the edge of the broadband envelope. Among their recent initiatives, ABC just released consumer research about ad frequency in its player, VivaKi has launched "The Pool" with high-profile brands and content providers to improve video standards and Move just powered a live pre-telecast of the Grammy awards.

    The event will be held at the Hudson Theater, a beautifully-renovated venue on West 44th Street just off Times Square. I'm pleased to have NATPE, VideoNuze's partner since launch, on board for the event. And I'm extremely grateful to lead sponsor Move Networks and supporting sponsors ExtendMedia, Horn Group, mPoint and PermissionTV who are making the evening possible.

    I've set up a Facebook group so you can start meeting other attendees and also keep up to date on all the recent broadband news we'll discuss on the panel. Friend me on Facebook and you can join!

    Note this event is on the evening before the start of the McGraw-Hill Media Summit in NYC; if you're coming in for that, plan accordingly to join us as well!

    Click here to learn more and register for the early bird discount

  • Reminder: VideoNuze's Next Event is March 17th in New York City

    A reminder that early bird discounts are available for another 2 weeks for VideoNuze's next event, the Broadband Video Leadership Evening on Tuesday, March 17th in New York City. The evening will start with a "VideoSchmooze" cocktail/networking reception from 6pm - 7:30pm, followed by a panel discussion I'll moderate from 7:30pm - 9pm titled, "Broadband Video '09: Building the Road to Profitability." We have an all-star panel including:

    • Albert Cheng, EVP, Digital Media, Disney/ABC Television Group
    • Greg Clayman, EVP, Digital Distribution & Business Development, MTV Networks
    • Karin Gilford, SVP, Fancast and Online Entertainment, Comcast Interactive Media
    • Curt Hecht, President, VivaKi (Publicis Groupe)
    • Tom Morgan, Chief Strategy Officer, Move Networks

    Click here to learn more and register for the early bird discount

    The event will be held at the Hudson Theater, a beautifully-renovated venue on West 44th Street just off Times Square. I'm pleased to have NATPE, VideoNuze's partner since launch, on board for the event. And I'm extremely grateful to lead sponsor Move Networks and supporting sponsors ExtendMedia, mPoint and PermissionTV who are making the evening possible. Note, additional sponsorship opportunities are still available, contact me to learn more.

    I've set up a Facebook group so you can start meeting other attendees and also keep up to date on all the recent broadband news we'll discuss on the panel. Friend me on Facebook and you can join!

    Note this event is on the evening before the start of the McGraw-Hill Media Summit in NYC; if you're coming in for that, plan accordingly to join us as well!

    Click here to learn more and register for the early bird discount

  • Reminder: VideoNuze's Next Event is March 17th in New York City

    A reminder that early bird discounts are available for VideoNuze's next event, the Broadband Video Leadership Evening on Tuesday, March 17th in New York City. The evening will start with a "VideoSchmooze" cocktail/networking reception from 6pm - 7:30pm, followed by a panel discussion I'll moderate from 7:30pm - 9pm titled, "Broadband Video '09: Building the Road to Profitability." We have an all-star panel including:

    • Albert Cheng, EVP, Digital Media, Disney/ABC Television Group
    • Greg Clayman, EVP, Digital Distribution & Business Development, MTV Networks
    • Karin Gilford, SVP, Fancast and Online Entertainment, Comcast Interactive Media
    • Curt Hecht, President, VivaKi (Publicis Groupe)
    • Tom Morgan, Chief Strategy Officer, Move Networks

    Click here to learn more and register for the early bird discount

    The event will be held at the Hudson Theater, a beautifully-renovated venue on West 44th Street just off Times Square. I'm pleased to have NATPE, VideoNuze's partner since launch, on board for the event. And I'm extremely grateful to lead sponsor Move Networks and supporting sponsor ExtendMedia (and others soon to follow) who are making the evening possible. Note, additional sponsorship opportunities are still available, contact me to learn more.

    Click here to learn more and register for the early bird discount

  • Invitation to VideoNuze's Next Event: March 17th, New York City

    Today I'm thrilled to invite you to the next VideoNuze event - the Broadband Video Leadership Evening - on Tuesday, March 17th in New York City. The evening will start with a "VideoSchmooze" cocktail/networking reception from 6pm - 7:30pm, followed by a panel discussion I'll moderate from 7:30pm - 9pm titled, "Broadband Video '09: Building the Road to Profitability." We have an A+ panel including:

    • Albert Cheng, EVP, Digital Media, Disney/ABC Television Group
    • Greg Clayman, EVP, Digital Distribution & Business Development, MTV Networks
    • Karin Gilford, SVP, Fancast and Online Entertainment, Comcast Interactive Media
    • Curt Hecht, President, VivaKi (Publicis Groupe)
    • Tom Morgan, Chief Strategy Officer, Move Networks

    Click here to learn more and register for the early bird discount

    The event will be held at the gorgeous Hudson Theater, a historic gem on West 44th Street just off Times Square. I'm pleased to have NATPE, VideoNuze's partner since launch, on board for the event. And I'm extremely grateful to lead sponsor Move Networks and supporting sponsor ExtendMedia (and others soon to follow) who are making the evening possible. Note, additional sponsorship opportunities are still available, contact me to learn more.

    As with the last two VideoNuze events, my goals for the evening are straightforward: to enhance attendees' understanding of the broadband video market's key drivers and to create a high-quality forum for networking with industry colleagues to discover new business and personal opportunities.

    In particular, unlike many other events we've all attended, where a seemingly random collection of panelists are assembled for an improvised discussion, these panelists have been hand-selected based on their specific responsibilities and their companies' roles in the broadband video ecosystem. We will have a rigorous discussion of many of the key industry issues VideoNuze covers each day. As those of you who have attended previous panels I've moderated understand, all the panelists will be well-prepared and fully engaged. There will also be ample audience Q&A time. Attendees will benefit from a unique learning experience.

    Similarly, the VideoSchmooze networking reception will be a premier, focused opportunity to expand your network and pursue business and personal opportunities. As with past events, I expect a strong mix of established media and technology executives, along with early-stage startups, entrepreneurs and investors. And while VideoSchmooze is not meant to be a job fair, I do hope it can play a meaningful role in getting together some of the really terrific people who have been dislocated recently with companies that continue to hire.

    In short, I'm really excited about the Broadband Video Leadership Evening, and hope you'll be able to come. Early bird discounted tickets are now available. I've also created more deeply discounted "5-Pack" and "10-Pack" tickets for those of you who expect to come with multiple colleagues. Note also that the event is being held on the eve of the 2009 McGraw-Hill Media Summit, so if you're already planning to come into town for that, please book your travel plan accordingly so you're able to join us too (I've arranged a discounted room block at the adjacent Millennium Broadway Hotel.) And yes, since March 17th is St. Patrick's Day, please feel free to wear your green!

    Click here to learn more and register for the early bird discount

  • The Broadband Inauguration and Beyond

    Another milestone in broadband video's evolution will be marked today with the first "Broadband Inauguration." Like last summer's Olympic games, broadband will make it possible for millions of viewers around the world to experience Barack Obama's dramatic inauguration.

    Last Thursday Mediaweek had a pretty good roundup of all the various news and entertainment web sites that are going to be streaming the proceedings live. Clearly there is going to be an intense battle for online viewers today, with various interactive and participative offerings planned.

    While the bells and whistles will be fun, for me what's most noteworthy about the broadband coverage is the unprecedented access and sheer convenience that broadband has introduced for so many people. This will be particularly noticeable today for office-workers who lack access to a TV. For them broadband means they won't miss any of these historic moments. That's pretty transformative, and powerful.


    Ordinarily VideoNuze is focused on the disruption and opportunities that broadband video is creating throughout the media landscape. But what the broadband inauguration (and President-elect Obama's use of the medium during his campaign as well as his weekly YouTube addresses) also shows us is that at a far more important societal level, broadband may be the most powerful communication and engagement technology ever created. The new President's call for an "era of responsibility," will be greatly facilitated by broadband's unprecedented ability to connect him directly to the world.

    The broadband inauguration is indeed a big milestone. I expect many more are yet to come.

    What do you think? Post a comment.
    (Follow-up: Akamai has now released inauguration stats. At the peak of 12:15pm ET, it was delivering over 7 million active simultaneous streams, surpassing more than 2 terabits per second. I'm sure we'll see plenty more stats from others soon.)
  • NAB Show - Broadband Video Opportunities

    I've excited to share that VideoNuze has partnered with the National Association of Broadcasters for this year's NAB Show on April 20-23. For those not familiar with the NAB Show, it's an annual gathering of 100K+ industry professionals in Las Vegas. NAB has been steadily beefing up the show's focus on broadband and content in recent years and this year I'm helping strengthen it further.

    I'm pleased to be organizing and moderating two panels at the show, one on the "Syndicated Video Economy," and the other on broadcasters' broadband video initiatives. I'll have more details on both soon.

    Both panels will be held in the "Content Theater" right on the show floor. NAB has organized an exhibit space called the "Content Commerce Pavilion" right outside the theater for broadband-oriented companies. The focus is on content owners, aggregators, online syndication, distribution, advertising, blogging services, UGC, gaming technologies, CDNs, news, video search, DRM, social networking, content management and publishing tools.

    Recognizing that budgets are tight and also trying to emphasize informal learning/networking, NAB has laid out the pavilion with compact exhibitor kiosks that are geared to demos and discussion. The pavilion is meant to be turnkey and affordable ($4K) for exhibitors.

    I think it's going to be an exciting space for broadband-focused companies and attendees to concentrate their NAB Show time and attention. If you're interested in learning more about exhibiting, contact me or Kelly Alexis at NAB ( or 202-775-2526).

    Hope to see you there!

  • Broadband Video Leadership Breakfast is Here

    I'll be off the grid for a while Monday morning, moderating the inaugural Broadband Video Leadership Breakfast here in Boston. We have a great group of panelists and attendance approaching 270 people. We'll be offering a full video replay of the session; as soon as it's available I'll post an update.

  • Last Chance to Register for Nov. 10th Broadband Video Leadership Breakfast

    We're less than a week away from our inaugural Broadband Video Leadership Breakfast on Nov. 10th. The breakfast, in association with CTAM's New York and New England chapters, will be held in Boston at 7:30am, preceding the first full day of the annual CTAM Summit (separate registration).

    I'll be moderating the session which is entitled "How to Profit from Broadband Video's Disruptive Impact" and features an A-list group of executives:

    • Deanna Brown - President, SN Digital, Scripps Networks
    • David Eun - Vice President, Content Partnerships, Google/YouTube
    • Roy Price - Director, Digital Video, Amazon
    • Fred Seibert - Creative Director/Co-Founder, Next New Networks
    • Peter Stern - Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer, Time Warner Cable

    Click here for more information and to register

    I'm so excited about the opportunity to have these 5 executives participate and share their perspectives on what's going on in the broadband video world. We'll dig into many of the themes I've explored on VideoNuze, such as business models, syndication, broadband-only studios, the role of existing and emerging distributors, the impact of the financial crisis and more.

    The breakfast is a must attend for all broadband video participants. You're certain to come away with tons of valuable information and insight that can help you navigate the changing video landscape.

    The event is technically sold-out, with approximately 250 registrants currently. But we've been able to squeeze in two more tables to accommodate another 10-20 attendees. If you're interested, please register now!

    The Leadership Breakfast is generously sponsored by ActiveVideo Networks, Akamai, Anystream, KickApps and Yahoo.

    Click here for more information and to register

  • NewTeeVee Live Looks Like an Exciting Event

    Kudos to Om Malik and crew for putting together NewTeeVee Live: Television Reinvented, which is coming up on Nov. 13th in San Francisco. It's a packed day full of terrific speakers who are on the cutting edge of the video revolution.

    As a media partner, VideoNuze readers get a 15% registration discount (equal to $200). Register now!

  • Early Bird Seating Expires Tomorrow for VideoNuze's Broadband Video Leadership Breakfast

    A reminder that early bird seating will expire tomorrow for VideoNuze's inaugural Broadband Video Leadership Breakfast Panel. The breakfast, in association with CTAM's New York and New England chapters, will be held in Boston on Nov. 10th at 7:30am, preceding the first full day of the annual CTAM Summit (separate registration).

    I'll be moderating the session which is entitled "How to Profit from Broadband Video's Disruptive Impact" and features an A-list group of executives:

    • Deanna Brown - President, SN Digital, Scripps Networks
    • David Eun - Vice President, Content Partnerships, Google/YouTube
    • Roy Price - Director, Digital Video, Amazon
    • Fred Seibert - Creative Director/Co-Founder, Next New Networks
    • Peter Stern - Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer, Time Warner Cable

    Click here to register for the early bird special

    I'm super-excited about this event because it will be an opportunity to dig into many of the key themes I've been exploring on VideoNuze such as business models, syndication, broadband-only studios, the role of existing and emerging distributors and more.

    I think the breakfast is a must attend for anyone navigating today's broadband video world. You're certain to come away with a clear sense of how these 5 companies are benefiting from broadband's growth, and what you too can do to profit from its disruptive impact.

    The Leadership Breakfast is generously sponsored by ActiveVideo Networks, Akamai, Anystream, KickApps and Yahoo.

    Click here to register for the early bird special

    I hope to see you there!

  • Early Bird Seating Available for VideoNuze's Broadband Leadership Breakfast

    A reminder that early bird seating is available for VideoNuze's inaugural Broadband Video Leadership Breakfast Panel. The breakfast, in association with CTAM's New York and New England chapters, will be held in Boston on Nov. 10th at 7:30am, preceding the first full day of the annual CTAM Summit (separate registration).

    I'll be moderating the session which is entitled "How to Profit from Broadband Video's Disruptive Impact" and features an A-list group of executives:

    • Deanna Brown - President, SN Digital, Scripps Networks
    • Bill Carr - Vice President, Digital Media, Amazon
    • David Eun - Vice President, Content Partnerships, Google/YouTube
    • Fred Seibert - Creative Director/Co-Founder, Next New Networks
    • Peter Stern - Executive Vice President, Strategy and Product Management, Time Warner Cable

    Click here to register for the early bird special

    This unique event is a must attend for anyone navigating today's broadband video world. We'll examine key broadband topics like business models, syndication, user-generated video and consumer behavior changes. You'll come away with a clear sense of how these 5 companies are benefiting from broadband's growth, and what you too can do to profit from its disruptive impact.

    The Leadership Breakfast is generously sponsored by ActiveVideo Networks, Akamai, Anystream, KickApps and Yahoo.

    Click here to register for the early bird special

    I hope to see you there!

  • Early Bird Seating Available for VideoNuze's Broadband Leadership Breakfast

    A reminder that early bird seating is now available for VideoNuze's inaugural Broadband Video Leadership Breakfast Panel. The breakfast, in association with CTAM's New York and New England chapters, will be held in Boston on Nov. 10th at 7:30am, preceding the first full day of the annual CTAM Summit (separate registration).

    I'll be moderating the session which is entitled "How to Profit from Broadband Video's Disruptive Impact" and features an A-list group of executives:

    • Deanna Brown - President, SN Digital, Scripps Networks
    • Bill Carr - Vice President, Digital Media, Amazon
    • David Eun - Vice President, Content Partnerships, Google/YouTube
    • Fred Seibert - Creative Director/Co-Founder, Next New Networks
    • Peter Stern - Executive Vice President, Strategy and Product Management, Time Warner Cable

    Click here to register for the early bird special

    This unique event is a must attend for anyone navigating today's broadband video world. We'll examine key broadband topics like business models, syndication, user-generated video and consumer behavior changes. You'll come away with a clear sense of how these 5 companies are benefiting from broadband's growth, and what you too can do to profit from its disruptive impact.

    The Leadership Breakfast is generously sponsored by ActiveVideo Networks, Akamai, Anystream, KickApps and Yahoo.

    Click here to register for the early bird special

    I hope to see you there!

  • Invitation to VideoNuze's First Broadband Video Leadership Panel

    As I alluded a week ago, today I'm very pleased to share details of VideoNuze's first Broadband Video Leadership Breakfast Panel.

    The session will be held on November 10th, in Boston, and is entitled, "How to Profit from Broadband Video's Disruptive Impact." It is being held on the first full day of the annual CTAM Summit, so if you're coming to town for that event, I hope you'll be able to carve out time to attend the leadership breakfast.

    The panel features an A-list group of executives, whose companies are at the forefront of the broadband revolution:

    • Deanna Brown - President, SN Digital, Scripps Networks
    • Bill Carr - Vice President, Digital Media, Amazon
    • David Eun - Vice President, Content Partnerships, Google/YouTube
    • Herb Scannell - Chairman/Co-Founder, Next New Networks and former Vice Chairman, MTV Networks and President, Nickelodeon Networks
    • Peter Stern - Executive Vice President, Strategy and Product Management, Time Warner Cable

    Click here to register for the early bird special

    I recruited this diverse group specifically to ensure a range of perspectives (established vs. early stage, content vs. distributor, ad supported vs. paid, etc.) are represented. It will be invaluable for attendees to hear the pros and cons of varying broadband video strategies, as well as the current data supporting these approaches. Having moderated dozens of panels over the years, I'm focused on bringing together best practices I've observed to ensure this is a well-structured, high-impact discussion.

    Among other things, I expect attendees will learn about the tradeoffs of different business models, how consumers' video behaviors are changing, what these five companies' broadband priorities are and what roles upstart content providers and aggregators will play in the future. The most important takeaway will be what you, as participants in the broadband market, can be doing now to ensure your future success.

    The breakfast panel is generously sponsored by ActiveVideo Networks, Akamai, Anystream, KickApps and Yahoo and is being run in association with CTAM's New England and New York chapters, on whose boards I serve.

    Click here to register for the early bird special

    I'm incredibly excited about the leadership breakfast, as it marks a continued push by VideoNuze into the events space, a key priority going into 2009. In fact, last night marked the kickoff of our events push, with the inaugural VideoSchmooze networking evening, which drew 200+ attendees on a rainy, Red Sox-at-home night (pictures are here). Look for more VideoSchmoozes in '09 as this networking event goes on the road.

  • Join Me for a Three Screen Webinar on Sept. 11th

    Please join me next Thursday, Sept. 11th for a webinar entitled, "Don't Get Screened Out: How to Make Video Profitable Across Multiple Screens." I'll be sharing thoughts on how the video landscape is changing to incorporate not just broadband, but also mobile devices. With the recent introduction of the iPhone and a slew of smartphones, mobile video is starting to gain steam. The webinar is sponsored by ExtendMedia, and Chris Gardner, the company's Chief Marketing Officer will share details of how their customers are already succeeding with three screen initiatives.

    Click here to register

  • Join Me at Contentonomics on October 7th in LA

    I'll be moderating a session at a new show called "Contentonomics" on October 7th in LA. Started by the gang over at Contentinople, who I've come to know well over the last 6 months, it's shaping up to be a dynamic new educational and networking opportunity for industry participants.

    My session is "The Syndicated Video Economy: From Social Networks & Broadband Channels to Blogs" and features four great panelists:

    • Gary Baker, Founder and CEO, ClipBlast
    • Greg Clayman, EVP, Digital Distribution and Business Development, MTV Networks
    • Jimmy Hutcheson, President, EgoTV
    • Damon Berger, Director of Programming, Revision3

    Contentinople is running a registration special of just $99 for a short time. You can register here. In the "Promotional Code" field at the bottom of the form, fill in "SPECIAL."

    Hope to see you there!

  • Join me at VideoSchmooze in Boston on Sept. 9th

    VideoNuze's first VideoSchmooze networking event, to be held in Boston on Tuesday, Sept. 9th, is coming together well. We have around 120 people registered so far, with a great diversity of companies, investors and press represented.


    The event is complimentary and will be at Vinalia from 6-9pm. Early registrants will receive a drink ticket (cash bar to follow) and there will be plenty of hors d'oeuvres for everyone.


    Click here to register


    As many of you know, there are countless early stage and established broadband video-related companies in the Boston area. For a while I've been eager to get this community together to mix it up. VideoSchmooze will be a premier opportunity for executives, entrepreneurs, investors and other decision-makers to meet up and swap ideas. And yes - out-of-towners are welcome!


    VideoSchmooze is generously underwritten by Flybridge Capital Partners, Atlas Venture, Goodwin Procter and Silicon Valley Bank.


    Click here to register

  • Great Webinar on Syndicated Video Yesterday

    I participated in a great webinar on the syndicated video economy yesterday, along with Greg Clayman, EVP Digital Distribution and Biz Dev at MTV Networks and Suzanne Johnson, Senior Industry Marketing Manager at Akamai Technologies.

    The three presentations were very complimentary: I laid out the framework of the syndicated video economy, Greg provided tangible examples of how MTV's capitalizing on it, and Suzanne addressed how Akamai is helping enable it. We had a huge audience and lots of great follow-up questions. If you're interested in content syndication, I highly recommend listening in.

    The webinar is available for replay by clicking here

    (Note if you previously registered, you should have an email from "Digitally Speaking" which gives you details of how to access the webinar, so you don't have to re-register)