Posts for 'Wall Street Journal'

  • News Corp's Head of Video Explains How Video Has Transformed the WSJ [AD SUMMIT VIDEO]

    At the recent Video Ad Summit, I sat down with Rahul Chopra, News Corp's SVP/global head of video and Chief Revenue Officer of Storyful, which was recently acquired. Rahul has been a key executive behind the Wall Street Journal's highly successful online video strategy and implementation.

    As Rahul explains, the Journal is now producing 150 hours of video per month, delivering 50 million streams across 35 different platforms. Content is created from every one of its international bureaus, which is released and promoted on a 24-hour cycle to match audience interests.

    From an ad sales perspective, Rahul details how video is now part of a holistic go-to-market approach which advertisers are responding to. Inventory has been sold out for a long time and CPM are still rising and are very strong (Rahul would only share the numbers with me privately, but they are eye-popping).

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  • WSJ Live App Makes An Impressive Debut

    The Wall Street Journal has unveiled "WSJ Live," a free app for the iPad and various connected devices. I downloaded it and spent some time with it on my iPad, and can report that it's quite impressive and a welcome addition to the small group of high-quality video-centric iPad apps (e.g. HBO GO, Netflix, ABC,, etc.).

    One thing in particular that's very clever about the app is how it mixes live streams with on-demand choices. In its press release, the WSJ said that WSJ Live provides up to four hours of live programming each business day, which includes seven half-hour shows. These shows are augmented with tons of on-demand videos, each of which has a thumbnail image along with a time and date-stamp and its run time. The result is that it feels like there's a lot of choice at WSJ Live, which is easy to navigate by scrolling the thumbnails, using a text strip at the bottom with category headings or popping up a daily program guide. Users can also easily jump to most popular and most recently viewed categories.

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  • NY Times' New "TimesCast" is a Home Run for Its Audience

    I continue to believe that among newspapers pursuing online video initiatives, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are the clear leaders. Both totally get how strategic video is to evolving their brands, engaging their audiences and generating new ad revenue.

    Just last month I wrote about the Journal's newly unveiled companion video series to its "Digits" blog; now this week the Times announced its daily "TimesCast" program which is a 1-hour daily insiders' view of what and how the Times chooses to cover what it covers that runs from 1-2pm each day. In the episodes I watched - exclusively sponsored by FedEx - the cameras visited the daily "Page One" editorial meeting and featured Times journalists interviewing each other to gain more color on selected stories of the day. The pace of the videos was fast and engaging, with snappy sequencing music in the background.

    I'll readily admit this type of content isn't for everyone. However if you're a news junkie and regular Times reader like me, it's a home run - and that's what really matters. TimesCast makes viewers feel like they're "in the know," strengthening their bond with the Times brand and deepening their understanding of the news. Plus, it lets the Times showcase their journalists in a way that goes far beyond their bylined articles. A larger point: in print space is finite, on the web its infinite. Brands that learn to "super-serve" their audiences with these kinds of behind-the-scenes initiatives will win.

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  •'s "End of Wall Street" Series is an Interesting Template for Print Publishers

    Have you caught any of the three-part, 25 minute "End of Wall Street" series running on right now? It may be too depressing to watch if you're nursing big 401k losses, but it does provide a very interesting template for how print publishers like the WSJ, whose reporters and editors have deep subject matter expertise, can use video to expand their value proposition to traditional readers.

    In this case there's another twist: the video is actually a companion to a forthcoming book "The Wall Street Journal Guide to the End of Wall Street As We Know It" written by Dave Kansas, a WSJ editor who hosts the video series as well. Oddly though, the video doesn't mention the book at all, which is a key missed promotional opportunity. Placing a display ad or post-roll video promoting the book would seem to like a natural.

    Still, the series demonstrates that a print publisher has the chops to produce a compelling video documentary that explains, in simple terms, how the financial meltdown occurred and why it crushed Wall Street. At least a dozen WSJ staffers are tapped for soundbites outlining the chronology and underlying factors to the crisis. The music is gripping, and the cutaways to Kansas wandering Wall Street's alternatively bustling and empty canyons provide a vivid visual metaphor for the change sweeping through the financial sector.

    I've been saying for a while that print publishers are sitting on top of a mountain of largely anonymous talent which would be compelling for their audiences to hear and see. "End of Wall Street" demonstrates this perfectly. Other print pubs would be wise to go to school on it.

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