Clicker's iPhone App Goes Live
Clicker, the online video guide and social check-in service, had its free iPhone app go live today, which it had previously announced last month as part of its Clicker Social launch. The app allows iPhone users to search iPhone-compatible videos, take advantage of the Clicker Social features (comment, rate, share, check-in, follow friends, etc.), create and manage playlists for later viewing and check their account.
By way of comparison, I've played around some with the Clicker Android app on my Droid X. I've mainly focused on the search/discovery features, which are Clicker's key differentiator vs. other services that offer check-in for TV shows. It's incredibly handy, though the big issue for now is the limited assortment of videos actually available for viewing on the Droid X, which does not yet support Flash.
Still, as more videos become available (particularly the Netflix and Hulu Plus Android, sooner rather than later hopefully), a unified mobile search experience like Clicker offers is going to be even more valuable. The DVR/playlist function also offers another tantalizing glimpse into how multi-platform interactivity will work (set here, record there, watch somewhere else). Clicker also says an iPad app is in the works for early October. Lots of good stuff ahead.
Categories: Mobile Video, Social Media, Video Search
Topics: Clicker