• NBC Takes 2 Modest, But Well-Executed UGC Steps

    NBC has launched a 2 nice little UGC features - one related to The Office and one related to Heroes. For The Office users are able to write stories about their worst Human Resources nightmare or shoot videos of themselves describing it, all in the context of “telling Toby” (as in Toby Flenderson, the HR guy on the show. Meanwhile over at Heroes, users can submit videos of themselves discussing their theories of what will happen next on the show.

    Both are great examples of NBC taking modest, yet important steps, in tapping broadband video’s potential to unleash viewers’ passions for these two shows. As many of you who have been reading my newsletters over the last few months, I’ve been critical of the networks’ paucity of broadband-centric interactivity. NBC has a big social networking initiative launching this summer as well.