Why You Should Come to the Next VideoSchmooze, on December 1st in NYC
The next VideoSchmooze breakfast/panel is coming up on Wed, Dec. 1st at The Samsung Experience, located in the Time Warner Center, 10 Columbus Circle, NYC. The topic of our panel, which I'll moderate, couldn't be moretimely: "How Connected and Mobile Devices are Transforming the Video Landscape."
Here are 5 great reasons you should come:
1. Our panel is top-notch and you'll learn a lot. Our panel includes:
-Charlie Herrin - SVP, Products and Technology, Comcast Interactive Media
-Doug Knopper - Co-CEO and Co-Founder, FreeWheel
-Olivier Manuel - Director of Content, Samsung Electronics
-Steve Robinson - CEO and Founder, Panache
-Jeremiah Zinn - SVP, Digital Products, MTV
Our panelists represent a diverse group of perspectives on connected and mobile devices. How does each see the development of these devices unfolding and their impact? What should we expect this holiday season? Who wins and who loses as connected and mobile devices proliferate? If you've been to a VideoSchmooze before or another session I've moderated, you know you can expect a no-BS, fact-driven and highly-focused/entertaining session. There will be plenty of time for audience Q&A and for meeting the panelists.
2. Schmooze with industry colleagues. The name "VideoSchmooze" says it all. VideoSchmooze events are opportunities to meet others in the industry who have responsibility for and/or influence over their companies' online/mobile video initiatives. The start of any deal is developing personal relationships; VideoSchmooze events help connect you to a couple hundred people you need to know.
3. Educate yourself about connected and mobile devices. The Samsung Experience is a unique showroom displaying all the company's newest gadgets and staffed by professionals who can answer all of your questions, without looking to make the sale (it's a showroom, not a store). You'll see demos of the "Tab," which is Samsung's newly-released Android-based tablet (meant to compete with the iPad), the line of high-end Galaxy smartphones with brilliant 4-inch Super AMOLED screens, connected Blu-ray players perfect for streaming Netflix and other content, and of course the unbelievably-thin new LED TVs. Get hands-on and learn!
4. VideoSchmooze is an incredible value and fits your schedule well. Sometimes attending a broader industry conference makes sense. But these days, finding 2 days out of the office to spare, plus the thousands of dollars in registration fees and travel expenses required is becoming a rare luxury. With VideoSchmooze, for $50-60 (early bird discounted tickets now available), you get a high-quality education/networking event that fits snuggly into your hectic schedule. No finance geek is going to give you a hard time that VideoSchmooze busted your quarterly T&E budget. Plus, all early bird registrants are eligible to win a Samsung connected Blu-ray player.
5. Yummy breakfast goodies from Bouchon Bakery. OK, if you're not sold yet, then here's the best part - you can expect yummy and plentiful breakfast goodies from the Bouchon Bakery just next door to the Samsung Experience. You can get a cup of Joe and a factory-tasting bagel from Dunkin Donuts while dashing to your office any morning, but how often do you start your day with a flaky fresh pain au chocolat and steaming cup of coffee? Pretty enticing, huh?
Need more reasons to come? Drop me an email at wrichmondATvideonuze.com or call me at 617-699-4459.
This VideoSchmooze breakfast is generously sponsored by Akamai Technologies, FreeWheel and Panache. It is being held in association with CTAM's New York chapter. The Fortex Group is providing marketing support.
Click here to learn more and register for early bird discountTopics: VideoSchmooze
VideoNuze Report Podcast #77 - Oct. 15, 2010
Daisy Whitney and I are pleased to present the 77th edition of the VideoNuze Report podcast, for October 15, 2010.
This week we start by discussing the sizzling online video ad business. On Tuesday, the IAB and PriceWaterhouse Coopers reported that online video ads were the best performing category of Internet advertising, up 31% in the first half of '10 vs. first half of '09, to $627 million. That came amid a broader surge in Internet advertising, which tallied over $12 billion in first half revenues, a new record. Google added an exclamation mark to these results by reporting a 23% increase in Q3 revenues late yesterday. Daisy and I talk through some of the key drivers of the video ad business and how things look going forward.
I see the mass adoption of connected devices, which enable the viewing of long-form online video on TVs, as one of the most important drivers of online ad revenue. As consumers begin to watch more online video on their HDTVs, in the comfort of their living rooms, viewership will inevitably rise, creating even more ad inventory. One example of this is Hulu Plus, which recently announced it would be available on both Roku and TiVo.
In the podcast we discuss the connected devices theme and I note that the next VideoSchmooze breakfast/panel I'll be hosting in NYC, on Dec. 1st, will focus on the roles that both connected and mobile devices have in transforming the video landscape. This holiday season is going to mark an important period of growth for these devices and our panel will help us understand the implications.
Lastly - as some of you may know, Daisy's first fiction book, "The Mockingbirds," is being published by Little, Brown on Nov. 2. It's an incredibly exciting milestone for Daisy, and she shares the social media/video promotional campaign she's created using Facebook, Twitter and others. It's a great illustration of how the tools we talk about each day can be used effectively.
Click here to listen to the podcast (11 minutes, 49 seconds)
Click here for previous podcasts
The VideoNuze Report is available in iTunes...subscribe today!Categories: Advertising, Devices, Events
Topics: Google, Hulu Plus, Podcast, VideoSchmooze
Next VideoSchmooze Breakfast In NYC On December 1st
I'm excited to announce the next VideoSchmooze breakfast/panel will be in New York, on Wednesday, December 1st at The Samsung Experience, located in the Time Warner Center, 10 Columbus Circle. The topic of our panel, which I'll moderate, is "How Connected and Mobile Devices are Transforming the Video Landscape." Panelists include:- Charlie Herrin - SVP, Products and Technology, Comcast Interactive Media
- Doug Knopper - Co-CEO and Co-Founder, FreeWheel
- Olivier Manuel - Director of Content, Samsung Electronics
- Steve Robinson - CEO and Founder, Panache
- Jeremiah Zinn - SVP, Digital Products, MTV
Our discussion will occur right in the middle of an exciting holiday season in which both connected devices (e.g. Apple TV, Google TV, Roku, boxee, TiVo, gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, etc.) and mobile devices (e.g. iPhone, iPad,Android, etc.) will be among the hottest gifts. The explosion of these devices, which are ideal for "over-the-top" video viewing, portends a massive transformation of the traditional video landscape.
Our panelists are ideally positioned to explain the connected/mobile revolution. They cover the range of industries involved: incumbent pay-TV provider/broadband ISP, online/mobile video monetization, consumer electronics/apps and premium quality content. Their perspectives will be invaluable for helping sort the hype from the reality. As with past VideoSchmooze events, attendees can expect a high-impact, interactive, educational session.
There will be ample time for networking and audience Q&A. Samsung will also be hosting technology demonstrations of its connected devices for those interested. This VideoSchmooze breakfast is generously sponsored by Akamai Technologies, FreeWheel and Panache. It is being held in association with CTAM's New York chapter. The Fortex Group is providing marketing support.
I hope you'll be able to join us at this special event! Early bird individual and group rates are now available.
Click here to learn more and register for early bird discountCategories: Devices, Events, Mobile Video
Topics: VideoSchmooze
Webinar Tomorrow: Boosting VOD Revenue and Engagement Through Enhanced Content Discovery
Even as the range of new over-the-top connected devices brings consumers an explosion of new video choices, incumbent pay-TV operators have continued building viewership of their own video-on-demand (VOD) offerings. But, as Colin Dixon, Senior Partner at The Diffusion Group, a digital media research firm, argues in a new white paper, the vast majority of this viewership has been of free content, effectively leaving pay-TV operators out of the burgeoning rental and download markets. A key reason for this has been sub-optimal electronic program guides (EPGs).
In a complimentary webinar tomorrow at 11am PT / 2pm ET titled "The Social TV Guide: Boosting VOD Revenue and Customer Engagement Through Enhanced Content Discovery," Colin will lay out both the opportunity and specific tactics for how providers can improved their VOD offerings. Colin will be joined by Sefy Ariely, VP of Sales and Marketing for Orca Interactive, which makes content navigation software. The data and lessons that Colin will share is applicable not only to pay-TV operators, but to anyone offering online and mobile video options trying to drive higher usage and revenue.
Categories: Events
Topics: Orca Interactive, TDG
Webinar Highlights - Indie Online Video, Syndication and Brand Integration
On Tuesday, VideoNuze and The Diffusion Group hosted their fourth webinar in a 2010 series of six sponsored by ActiveVideo Networks, with this one focusing on "Demystifying Independent Online Video and Syndication Models."
The webinar featured informative and timely discussion/Q&A with Richard Bloom, SVP, Business Development for 5min, and Jim Louderback, CEO of Revision3. The focus of the discussion was on business models for success in independent online video with a specific lean towards syndication. Both Jim and Rich honed in on how syndication helps solve the difficulties with finding eyeballs and building audience in the fragmented broadband video landscape.
Categories: Advertising, Events
Topics: 5Min, ActiveVideo Networks, Revision3, TDG, Webinar
Webinar Today: Independent Online Video and Syndication
Please join The Diffusion Group and VideoNuze today at 11am PT/2pm ET when we will present the fourth complimentary webinar in our 2010 "Demystifying" series, with this session's focus on demystifying independent online video and syndication models. The series is exclusively sponsored by ActiveVideo Networks.
TDG's Colin Dixon and I will be hosting and moderating the webinar, which will include guests Jim Louderback, CEO of Revision3, and Rich Bloom, SVP of Business Development for 5Min. Jim and Rich will each do short presentations and then we'll have moderated Q&A followed by plenty of time for audience Q&A.
Jim and Rich will cover what's working for their companies and what's in store for the broader online video industry going forward. If you're an independent video producer, or part of an established media company looking to succeed in the online medium, this webinar is for you!
Click here to learn more and register about this complimentary webinar
Categories: Events, Indie Video, Syndicated Video Economy
Topics: 5Min, ActiveVideo Networks, Revision3, TDG, Webinar
Interview with Mitch Berman, Co-founder, ZillionTV
Last week I had a chance to catch up with Mitch Berman, co-founder and Executive Chairman of ZillionTV, the early stage online entertainment service. Mitch is a long-time Hollywood veteran and will be speaking at next week's NATPE LATV Fest (VideoNuze readers get a special discount). An edited transcript follows.
VideoNuze: What are the 2-3 key trends in digital media we should be watching?
Mitch Berman: I often talk about the growing role of influence, sharing and reward which are tied to social networking. Reward is both the influence you get with other members of your social circle as well as "points." Another trend is the rise of casual games which are becoming very popular with examples like Farmville. Then I'm also watching the trend toward over-the-top video. Now you have retailers, CE makers, independent over the top players like Roku and others, plus software providers. They're all attacking the traditional video subscription model.
VN: Is the threat of cord-cutting real or imagined?
Categories: Events
Topics: LATV Fest, NATPE, ZillionTV
Complimentary Webinar Tomorrow, July 8th: Demystifying Open vs. Closed Internet Video Distribution Platforms
Please join me for a complimentary webinar tomorrow, July 8th at 11am PT/2pm ET, as Colin Dixon, senior partner at research firm The Diffusion Group, and I debate the topic of closed vs. open Internet video distribution. Colin and I have both been watching closely all the different devices that are bridging online video to the TV. There are many different devices and many different approaches.
One key difference is the idea of "closed" vs. "open." In the "closed" experience only certain content is available, while in the "open" approach anything that's available on the Internet becomes available on the big screen. There are pros and cons to each approach. Which is more likely to ultimately succeed? Colin and I will do our best to demystify the issues and forecast what's most likely to work. There will be plenty of time for audience Q&A. Please join us for this timely complimentary webinar!Categories: Events
Complimentary Webinar: Demystifying Open vs. Closed Internet Video Distribution
Please join me for a complimentary webinar next Thurs, July 8th at 11am PT/2pm ET, as Colin Dixon, senior partner at research firm The Diffusion Group, and I debate the topic of closed vs. open Internet video distribution. Colin and I have both been closely watching the myriad initiatives to bring online video to big-screen TVs. There seems to be no end to the number of devices and consumer electronics manufacturers jumping into this exciting space.
Yet there are plenty of differences in the approaches players are taking. Some are offering a relatively "closed" experience with only certain content being made available. On the other hand, some advocate for a wide open approach - meaning anything that's available on the Internet should be available on the big screen.
Is one approach better than the other, and will one meet with more success? There are a host of questions surrounding this debate and Colin and I will do our best to demystify the issues and forecast what's most likely to work. There will be plenty of time for audience Q&A. Please join us for this timely complimentary webinar, sponsored exclusively by Active Video Networks!
Learn more and register now
Categories: Events
4 Highlights from VideoSchmooze:LA Panel
At this past Tuesday morning's panel discussion at the VideoSchmooze:LA breakfast we had a great discussion about how Hollywood succeeds in thedigital era. While we covered a lot of ground, below are 4 key highlights. As a reminder, our panelists were:
- Albert Cheng - EVP, Digital Media, Disney/ABC Television Group
- Gannon Hall - Chief Operating Officer, Kyte (co-lead sponsor of the breakfast)
- Justin Herz - SVP, Direct-to-Consumer, Warner Bros. Digital Distribution
- Ted Sarandos - Chief Content Officer - Netflix
- Ben Weinberger - CEO and Co-Founder, Digitalsmiths (co-lead sponsor of the breakfast)
Note a video of the discussion is available here; the lighting is a little low, but the audio is solid. Thanks to NATPE for live-streaming the event and making the on-demand version available.
1.Windows are extremely important to Hollywood and they aren't going away any time soon. As Albert explained, the 2 things that drive windows are money/distribution and segmenting the market. Any change in windows for new digital distribution is predicated on monetizing as effectively as the incumbent window being impacted. Albert noted that with the increase in ads on ABC.com, it can monetize more effectively than with DVR playback, so it is going to promote .com accordingly. Ted pointed out that Netflix is proving the digital window's value to longer shelf life content vs. the day-after value of broadcast networks' sites.
2. Digital will address the significant inefficiencies in current media distribution models. Ted noted that the Internet and e-commerce are very good at rooting out inefficiencies of traditional offline models (he cited as an example the demise of travel agents in favor of online travel sites). With respect to windows, Ted cautioned that they can be overmanaged: "in what other industry would you know exactly what your customer wants and not give it to him and yet expect to succeed."
Some of these inefficiencies are clearly in the Pay-TV business, which packages and delivers a lot of channels, though viewers actually only watch a few. Ben raised the question of what role Pay-tv providers should play: packager of content or deliverer of the best possible user experience through fast broadband networks. But with cable TV programmers receiving $25 billion a year in distribution fees, a good chunk of which finds its way back into the Hollywood production community, there are many built-in barriers to significant change.
3. Personalization in the digital era is key. Ted noted that with the Internet bringing vastly increased choice, one-to-one personalization is growing in importance. He pointed out that one of Netflix's key strengths is providing a simple menu of relevant choices for users, that allows users to remain relatively passive.
Justin echoed the point, noting that the recently-launched Warner Archive is all about targeting the micro-niches with catalog content that wasn't economic to deliver in mass-market approach. Gannon explained that some of their customers' traffic-driving success is due to social factors: users discovering great content and sharing it with others.
Ben weighed in that metadata is what fuels accurate personalization and also pointed out that what specific input device the user has makes a big difference in how to navigate the choices offered.
4. Electronic sell-through of content is heavily challenged as a successor to DVD sales. Lastly, the panel pretty much agreed that EST isn't going to succeed DVD sales any time soon. Issues around portability, security, rights, device interoperability and cost were just some that were named. Further, Gannon speculated that for younger people, the purchase of a digital copy may be outdated anyway. As content moves to the cloud, anytime/anywhere access could well displace the need to own content outright. The EST discussion highlighted the need for Hollywood to move faster to keep up with consumers' changing preferences.
What do you think? Post a comment now (no sign-in required).
Categories: Events
Topics: VideoSchmooze
Last Chance: VideoSchmooze LA Breakfast is Tomorrow
Tomorrow is the VideoSchmooze breakfast in LA, at the beautiful SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills from 8 am-10:15 am. The topic of our panel discussion, which I'll moderate, is "How Hollywood Succeeds in the Digital Distribution Era."
We have a great group of panelists who will discuss all the key issues. We'll also have plenty of time for audience Q&A.- Albert Cheng - EVP, Digital Media, Disney/ABC Television Group
- Gannon Hall - Chief Operating Officer, Kyte (co-lead sponsor of the breakfast)
- Justin Herz - SVP, Direct-to-Consumer, Warner Bros. Digital Distribution
- Ted Sarandos - Chief Content Officer - Netflix
- Ben Weinberger - CEO and Co-Founder, Digitalsmiths (co-lead sponsor of the breakfast)
Online registration will be open until 8pm PT tonight. Walk-ins are also welcome; only cash and checks will be accepted at the door.
We have a large group attending, so in addition to the panel, there will be great networking both before and after the formal discussion. Note also that valet parking is included in the ticket price.
Thanks to the event's co-lead sponsors Digitalsmiths and Kyte, and supporting sponsors Akamai, Horn Group, Irdeto, ScanScout and Signiant.
Click here to learn more and register nowCategories: Events
Topics: VideoSchmooze
VideoSchmooze LA Breakfast Coming Next Tuesday, June 15th
There's still time to sign up for the VideoSchmooze breakfast/panel discussion in LA next Tuesday, June 15th. The event will be at the luxurious SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills. The topic of our panel discussion, which I'll moderate, is "How Hollywood Succeeds in the Digital Distribution Era."
Our expert panel will dig into all of the relevant issues (and will leave plenty of time for audience Q&A):- Albert Cheng - EVP, Digital Media, Disney/ABC Television Group
- Gannon Hall - Chief Operating Officer, Kyte (co-lead sponsor of the breakfast)
- Justin Herz - SVP, Direct-to-Consumer, Warner Bros. Digital Distribution
- Ted Sarandos - Chief Content Officer, Netflix
- Ben Weinberger - CEO and Co-Founder, Digitalsmiths (co-lead sponsor of the breakfast)
We have a large group attending, so in addition to the panel, there will be great networking both before and after the formal discussion.
Thanks to the event's co-lead sponsors Digitalsmiths and Kyte, and supporting sponsors Akamai, Horn Group, Irdeto, ScanScout and Signiant.
(Note: parking is included in the ticket price)
Click here to learn more and register nowCategories: Events
Topics: VideoSchmooze
Early Bird Discount Ends Today for June 15th VideoSchmooze LA Breakfast
If you've been sitting on the fence about whether to attend the VideoSchmooze breakfast/panel discussion in LA on Tues, June 15th, the early bird discount ends today, so save by registering now! The event will be at theluxurious SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills. The topic of our panel discussion, which I'll moderate, is "How Hollywood Succeeds in the Digital Distribution Era."
Click here to learn more and save with the early bird discount
Our expert panel will dig into all of the relevant issues:- Albert Cheng - EVP, Digital Media, Disney/ABC Television Group
- Gannon Hall - Chief Operating Officer, Kyte (co-lead sponsor of the breakfast)
- Justin Herz - SVP, Direct-to-Consumer, Warner Bros. Digital Distribution
- Ted Sarandos - Chief Content Officer - Netflix
- Ben Weinberger - CEO and Co-Founder, Digitalsmiths (co-lead sponsor of the breakfast)
It's inevitable that more and more of Hollywood's future revenues will come from digital, but exactly how the transition happens from traditional models to new ones is very much in flux. With a blistering array of new devices, technologies and delivery platforms, key decision-makers face a confusing set of choices.
Our panelists will help us cut through the noise and explain what drives their decision-making, how they assess their options and what are their key challenges. Based on my conversations with the panelists this week, it promises to be an illuminating discussion, with plenty of time for audience Q&A. If you're in or around the Hollywood ecosystem and/or are a technology provider trying to understand your industry opportunities, the breakfast and panel are a must attend!
Thanks to the event's co-lead sponsors Digitalsmiths and Kyte, and supporting sponsors Akamai, Horn Group, Irdeto, ScanScout and Signiant.
Click here to learn more and save with the early bird discountCategories: Events
Topics: VideoSchmooze
Early Bird Discount for June 15th VideoSchmooze LA Breakfast Ends This Week
A heads-up that the early bird discount for the June 15th VideoSchmooze LA breakfast end this Friday. The breakfast and panel discussion will be atthe beautiful SLS Hotel at Beverly Hills. The topic of our panel discussion is "How Hollywood Succeeds in the Digital Distribution Era."
Click here to learn more and take advantage of the early bird discount
I'll be moderating the panel, and the discussion will be structured for maximum audience participation and Q&A. We have tons of great topics to discuss such as Netflix's streaming success, the pending impact of Google TV, the importance of affiliate fees in the pay-TV ecosystem, the rise of multi-platform distribution, the future of linear, ad-supported TV, etc. The VideoSchmooze breakfast is a perfect opportunity for those looking to better understand Hollywood's digital distribution future and network with colleagues.
Our outstanding panel will help us understand what all this and more means:- Albert Cheng - EVP, Digital Media, Disney/ABC Television Group
- Gannon Hall - Chief Operating Officer, Kyte (co-lead sponsor of the breakfast)
- Justin Herz - SVP, Direct-to-Consumer, Warner Bros. Digital Distribution
- Ted Sarandos - Chief Content Officer - Netflix
- Ben Weinberger - CEO and Co-Founder, Digitalsmiths (co-lead sponsor of the breakfast)
Thanks to the event's co-lead sponsors Digitalsmiths and Kyte, and supporting sponsors Akamai, Horn Group, Irdeto, ScanScout and Signiant.
Click here to learn more and take advantage of the early bird discountCategories: Events
Topics: VideoSchmooze
Reminder: VideoSchmooze LA Breakfast is 3 Weeks from Today - June 15th
A reminder that the VideoSchmooze LA breakfast is coming up 3 weeks fromtoday, June 15th at the gorgeous SLS Hotel at Beverly Hills. Our panel is going to tackle the important topic of "How Hollywood Succeeds in the Digital Distribution Era."
Click here to learn more and register for early bird discount
Our discussion couldn't come at a better time. Not a day goes by where some aspect of the Hollywood ecosystem isn't subject to change brought on by online and mobile video. Topics that we'll discuss include potential attempts by studios to shrink the theatrical window, rollouts of TV Everywhere, the impact of Google TV, the importance of cable affiliate fees to Hollywood, the demise of video rental stores, the shift to video subscriptions, the debate over "cord-cutting," online TV programs' economics and much more. It promises to be an exciting and highly educational session!
Our outstanding panel will help us understand what all this and more means:- Darcy Antonellis - President, Technology Operations, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment
- Albert Cheng - EVP, Digital Media, Disney/ABC Television Group
- Gannon Hall - Chief Operating Officer, Kyte (co-lead sponsor of the breakfast)
- Ted Sarandos - Chief Content Officer - Netflix
- Ben Weinberger - CEO and Co-Founder, Digitalsmiths (co-lead sponsor of the breakfast)
Our panelists will share their experiences and best practices learned to date. There will be ample time for audience Q&A and for networking. It promises to be a special event and I hope you're able to join us! Early bird individual and table rates are now available.
Thanks to lead sponsors Digitalsmiths and Kyte, plus supporting sponsors Akamai, Irdeto and ScanScout.
Click here to learn more and register for early bird discountCategories: Events
Topics: VideoSchmooze
If You're in the Boston Area, Join Me Tomorrow Morning for "Chaos in the Living Room" Discussion
If you're based in the Boston area, then please join me tomorrow morning (Wed, May 19th) for a discussion panel, "Chaos in the Living Room - Video, Media, Applications and the Cloud Near a Tipping Point." The session is being hosted by the Mass. Technology Leadership Council at the Foley Hoag Emerging Enterprise Center in Waltham, MA from 8-10am.
The panel features:- David Fellows - General Partner, Genovation Capital (and former Comcast CTO)
- John Hoctor - VP, Business Development and Marketing, Navic Networks
- Yvette Kanouff - President, SeaChange International
- Will Richmond - Editor/Publisher, VideoNuze
- Jonathan Ruff - Senior Director, Technology Marketing, Motorola
- Jeff Binder - General Partner, Genovation Capital (moderator)
We'll be discussing connected TVs, 3D, LTE, cloud delivery, over-the-top and more, trying to decipher what these might mean to companies in the video ecosystem today and emerging entrants. Lots of good stuff to chew on!
Click here to learn more and registerCategories: Events
Topics: Mass Technology Leadership Council
Reminder: VideoSchmooze Breakfast in LA on June 15th
Please join me on June 15th for a VideoSchmooze breakfast at the gorgeous SLS Hotel at Beverly Hills - one of the hottest spots in LA. Our panel is going to tackle the important topic of "How Hollywood Succeeds in the Digital Distribution Era."
Our discussion couldn't be more timely; we are reminded on a daily basis of the changes swirling around Hollywood, which have significant long-term distribution and viewership implications.
Examples include the strong early adoption of tablet computers like the iPad which has sold 1 million units in its first 4 weeks of availability; the shift to subscription services like Netflix, which added almost 3 million subscribers in just in the last 6 months, growing its subscriber base by 26% to 14 million subs; the decision by Hollywood Video to close the last of its rental stores, which once totaled over 2,400; YouTube's nascent move into movie rentals and Google's planned launch of "Google TV;" the rise of TV and movie viewership on smartphones; the proliferation of HD video delivery online by CDNs like Akamai; the massive investments being made in online video advertising, which will help long-form monetization, and the list goes on.
These kinds of technology-driven changes are occurring all around Hollywood and are only going to accelerate. That means the future landscape is certainto be very different from the past. Our outstanding panel will help us understand what all this and more means:
- Darcy Antonellis - President, Technology Operations, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment
- Albert Cheng - EVP, Digital Media, Disney/ABC Television Group
- Gannon Hall - Chief Operating Officer, Kyte (co-lead sponsor of the breakfast)
- Ted Sarandos - Chief Content Officer - Netflix
- Ben Weinberger - CEO and Co-Founder, Digitalsmiths (co-lead sponsor of the breakfast)
Our panelists will share their experiences and best practices learned to date, plus forecasts for the future. There will be ample time for audience Q&A and for networking. It promises to be a special event and I hope you're able to join us! Early bird individual and table rates are now available.
Click here to learn more and register for early bird discountCategories: Events
Topics: VideoSchmooze
Mark Your Calendars: VideoSchmooze Goes to LA for June 15th Breakfast
We had a huge crowd at this past Monday night's VideoSchmooze in NYC who were treated to an in-depth discussion about whether online video is shifting to the paid model, as well as a high-energy hour and half of networking and drinks.
With the NYC event behind us, I'm very pleased to unveil the first West CoastVideoSchmooze event - a breakfast in LA on June 15th at the ultra luxurious SLS Hotel at Beverly Hills. We have an incredible group of executives who will discuss "How Hollywood Succeeds in the Digital Distribution Era:"
- Darcy Antonellis - President, Technology Operations, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment
- Albert Cheng - EVP, Digital Media, Disney/ABC Television Group
- Gannon Hall - Chief Operating Officer, Kyte
- Ted Sarandos - Chief Content Officer, Netflix
- Ben Weinberger - CEO and Co-Founder, Digitalsmiths
Darcy, Albert and Ted are all key leaders driving the digital agenda at their respective companies. Among other things, Warner Bros. has led on day-and-date VOD distribution. Disney/ABC has been the most innovative of the broadcast TV networks in pursuing digital outlets, going back to their original iTunes deal. And of course Netflix, which I've written about often, has completely reinvented its model with Watch Instantly streaming. Meanwhile Ben's and Gannon's companies (which are co-lead sponsors of the breakfast), are each providing digital building block technologies to the industry and have in-depth knowledge of Hollywood's requirements and strategies.
For anyone in or around the Hollywood ecosystem, this is a must-attend breakfast, with ample time for networking included. I look forward to seeing you there!
Click here to learn more and register for early bird discount
Categories: Events
Topics: VideoSchmooze
Learning Best Practices in Video at Akamai Webinar
Earlier this week, while in NYC for VideoSchmooze, Akamai organized a first-class video webinar, "Constructing the Ultimate Online Video Experience, from the Inside Out" which included the following panelists:- Karsten Weide - VP, Digital Media & Entertainment, IDC
- Glenn Goldstein - VP, Media Technology Strategy, MTV Networks Digital Media
- Eric Black - Project Manager, NBCSports.com
- Emil Rensing - Chief Digital Officer, Epix
We had a very detailed discussion around topics like adaptive bit rate delivery, HD, formats, business models, live vs. on-demand, encoding strategies, consumer behaviors, etc. This group is on the front lines of making the online video experience work for their customers and there are a ton of really valuable points made. The webinar is free and the video quality is gorgeous (no surprise!).
Categories: Events
Topics: Akamai
See You Tonight At VideoSchmooze and Tomorrow for Akamai Webinar
I'll be hosting the next "VideoSchmooze" Broadband Video Leadership Evening from 6pm-9pm tonight at the Hudson Theater in New York City. The event includes networking, open bar, hors d'oeuvres and a full educationalprogram. You can buy a ticket online until 3pm today or at the door (cash and check only) - both options are the same price of $75.
We have a great panel discussion, which I'll moderate, whose title is "Money Talks: Is Online Video Shifting to the Paid Model?" Panelists include:- Jeremy Legg - SVP, Business Development, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
- Damon Phillips - Vice President, ESPN3
- Avner Ronen - CEO and Co-founder, boxee
- Fred Santarpia - General Manager, VEVO
Click here to learn more and register
There is no shortage of topics to discuss; just in the past few weeks there has been news of Hulu's planned subscription service, Turner collaborating with CBS on a long-term $10.8 billion "March Madness" deal, Conan moving to TBS, Netflix signing 28-day DVD release deals with Fox and Universal (plus adding 1.7 million subs in Q1 '10), and lots of other activity. The landscape for online delivery of premium is changing rapidly; our panel will help us make sense of where the market is heading.
We'll also have a 15-minute stage-setting presentation by Emily Nagle Green, President and CEO of Yankee Group, a leading industry market research and consulting firm. Emily is the author of the recently published book, "Anywhere - How Global Connectivity is Revolutionizing the Way We Do Business." Emily will share key data from Yankee's research and her book, which will set the stage for the panel to follow.
From 6-7:30pm, prior to Emily's presentation, we'll have open bar (wine/beer/soda), hors d'oeuvres and networking. We have a very large group, with executives from many key media companies like MTV Networks, Rainbow Media, HealthiNation, CBS Interactive, NBCU, Scripps, HBO, NBA, 5Min, Disney, Comcast, Epix, WWE, Fox Sports and many others, plus tons of industry technology providers.
Thanks to lead sponsor Akamai Technologies and supporting sponsors FreeWheel, Horn Group, Irdeto, NeuLion, Panvidea and ScanScout for their support. Once again VideoSchmooze is being held in association with NATPE. You can follow VideoSchmooze and get updates that evening on Twitter at hashtag #vidooze.
I look forward to seeing you tonight!
Click here to learn more and register
Whether or not you're able to make it tonight, please join me for a complimentary live video webinar Akamai is hosting tomorrow at 1pm ET, "Constructing the Ultimate Online Video Experience - From the Inside Out." On the panel with me will be:- Emil Rensing - Chief Digital Officer, Epix
- Glenn Goldstein - VP Media Technology and Strategy, MTV Networks Digital Media
- Karsten Weide - VP Digital Media and Entertainment, IDC
- Eric Black - NBCU
Categories: Events
Topics: Akamai, VideoSchmooze