Posts for 'Events'

  • Early Bird Discount for VideoSchmooze Expires TODAY - Register Now!

    Early bird discounted registration for the Dec. 4th VideoSchmooze: Online Video Leadership Forum in NYC expires today. If you've been waiting to see how your schedule is shaping up, now's the time to have another quick look and act. Early bird tickets are $95, with 5-packs for $430 and 10-packs for $760. And remember, one lucky early bird registrant will win a TiVo Roamio Plus DVR with Lifetime service, a $1,000 value (thanks to TiVo).

    VideoSchmooze will be a full morning of learning and schmoozing with over 200 industry executives. We're covering a range of compelling topics across 6 sessions, with 18 speakers. These days there's no shortage of interesting stuff to dig into!

    Special thanks to the Lead sponsors of this VideoSchmooze, Brightcove and Kaltura plus Branding sponsors Digitalsmiths, FreeWheel and Tremor Video.

    I hope you can join us on Dec. 4th!


  • Early Bird Discount for VideoSchmooze Expires On Friday - Register Now!

    Reminder that the early bird discount for the Dec. 4th VideoSchmooze: Online Video Leadership Forum in NYC expires on Friday. Early bird registrants not only save on tickets, they're all entered to win a TiVo Roamio Plus DVR with Lifetime service, a $1,000 value, which TiVo has generously provided. Early bird tickets are $95, with 5-packs for $430 and 10-packs for $760. If you've been on the fence about coming, now's the time to act.

    VideoSchmooze is going to be an awesome morning of learning and networking. There will be 6 different sessions featuring 18 speakers digging into many of the hottest topics in the industry. There are so many exciting things happening these days, but also a lot of noisy headlines that can be very confusing. One of the key goals of VideoSchmooze is to cut through this and share a true picture of what matters and what doesn't.

    Special thanks to the Lead sponsors of this VideoSchmooze, Brightcove and Kaltura plus Branding sponsors Digitalsmiths, FreeWheel and Tremor Video.

    If you're a video industry executive and are struggling to make sense of what's happening, I highly recommend you join us for a valuable morning of learning and networking!


  • Early Bird Discount for VideoSchmooze Expires Soon - Sign-Up Now to Save and Win a TiVo

    The early bird discount for the Dec. 4th VideoSchmooze: Online Video Leadership Forum in NYC expires next week.  Early bird tickets are $95, with 5-packs for $430 and 10-packs for $760. As an extra motivator to sign up early, all early bird registrants will be entered to win a TiVo Roamio Plus DVR with Lifetime service, a $1,000 value, generously provided by TiVo.

    To say there's a lot going on in the video world these days would be quite an understatement. At VideoSchmooze we'll tackling some of the hottest topics - cord-cutting, SVOD eroding linear TV viewing, online video advertising, sports and TV Everywhere, online originals' impact, the role of data, the rise of connected/mobile devices, millennials' viewing behaviors, new OTT initiatives, best practices, and lots more.

    I'm especially excited about our all-star group of speakers and moderators, who will be sharing their insights. In particular, on the opening session, Dounia Turrill, SVP, Client Insights at Nielsen, will be sharing new Q3 '14 Cross-Platform data and Bruce Leichtman, president of Leichtman Research Group, will be providing an update on Q3 pay-TV video and broadband subscribers. No doubt they'll debunk some myths and shed new light on market conditions.

    I'm grateful to the Lead sponsors of this VideoSchmooze, Brightcove and Kaltura plus Branding sponsors Digitalsmiths, FreeWheel and Tremor Video, all of which will have executives attending and participating.

    With so much happening these days, I expect this will be the highest-impact VideoSchmooze yet. If you're in the video industry and need to really understand the landscape, I highly recommend you join us for this superb morning of learning and networking!


  • Program is Complete for Dec. 4th VideoSchmooze - Register Now to Save and Win a TiVo Roamio Plus

    The program is now complete for the half-day December 4th VideoSchmooze in NYC (just 4 weeks from today!) and I'm really excited about the lineup of sessions and industry executives participating.

    The final session added is "Best Practices for Great Video User Experiences," which will include Bloomberg Media's Global Head of Digital Video Paul Marcum, comScore's SVP, Global Marketing Strategy Anne Hunter, Brightcove's Sr. Director of Digital Media Solutions Mike Green and one more speaker TBD, moderated by Jesse Redniss, co-founder of BRaVe Ventures and formerly SVP of Digital at USA Networks. The session will dig into best practices around content, monetization and viewer engagement.

    I'm also pleased to share that NBCU's SVP, Consumer Product Strategy, TV Everywhere Dina Juliano and FreeWheel's Director, Advisory Services Brian Dutt, will join the "Sports' Pivotal Role in Driving TV Everywhere's Adoption" panel, which also includes executives from Comcast and FOX Sports and will be moderated by Colin Dixon of nScreenMedia.

    Last but not least, Kaltura's VP, Product Ariel Hitron will join the "TV, Disrupted: Online Originals Hit Their Stride" panel, alongside executives from Fullscreen, Vimeo, DEFY Media and Tubefilter.

    Kaltura is also on-board as a Lead sponsor for VideoSchmooze in addition to Brightcove, and Branding sponsors Digitalsmiths, Tremor Video and FreeWheel. I am grateful to all of them for their generous support.

    All in all, VideoSchmooze is going to be a jam-packed morning of learning and networking, covering many of the hottest trends in the industry today. If you need to cut through the noisy headlines and find out what's really going on, VideoSchmooze is a must-attend event.

    Early bird tickets are $95, with 5-packs for $430 and 10-packs for $760. As an extra incentive, all early bird registrants will be entered to win a TiVo Roamio Plus DVR with Lifetime service, a $1,000 value, generously provided by TiVo.


  • VideoSchmooze NYC on Dec. 4th - Register Now to Save and to Win a TiVo Roamio Plus With Lifetime Service

    A reminder that the next VideoSchmooze: Online Video Leadership Forum is on Thursday morning, Dec. 4th at Scholastic Auditorium in NYC. Early bird tickets are $95, with 5-packs for $430 and 10-packs for $760. As an extra incentive, all early bird registrants will be entered to win the awesome TiVo Roamio Plus DVR with Lifetime service - $1,000 value, generously provided by TiVo.

    The VideoSchmooze program will cover many of the hottest trends in the industry. Leading off will be a deep-dive interview I'll do with 2 leading industry researchers - Dounia Turrill, SVP, Client Insights at Nielsen and Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst at Leichtman Research Group. Dounia and Bruce will provide data and clarify key trends around changing viewer behaviors, cord-cutting, OTT adoption, advertising, mobile plus lots more.

    Then Colin Dixon will moderate "Sports' Pivotal Role in Driving TV Everywhere's Adoption" with executives from Comcast, Fox Sports and FreeWheel, which will examine how marquee TVE events like World Cup, Olympics and MMOD are driving the industry forward. Following is a new session, "Personalized Data is the New Big Data" in which Digitalsmiths' Chris Ambrozic will share insights on how stakeholders throughout the ecosystem are using data to deliver standout personalized user experiences and generate new ROIs.

    Following the networking break, in "TV, Disrupted: Online Originals Hit Their Stride," we'll dig into one of the biggest trends around and how audiences are fragmenting, with executives from Fullscreen, Vimeo and DEFY Media. Next, Tremor Video's head of market research will share brand-new data on connected TVs and who's actually buying/using them. There will be one more session to round out the morning, TBA.

    All in all it promises to be a superb morning of learning and networking with 250+ colleagues from around the ecosystem. I hope you can join us on Dec. 4th!


  • Early Bird Registration Now Open for VideoSchmooze on Dec. 4th

    Early bird discounted registration for the next VideoSchmooze: Online Video Leadership Forum, on Thursday morning, Dec. 4th in NYC is now open. This will be the 11th VideoSchmooze and once again the morning will be packed with top notch learning and networking with 250+ industry executives. Early bird tickets are $95, with 5-packs for $430 and 10-packs for $760.

    All early bird registrants will be entered to win a TiVo Roamio Plus DVR with Lifetime service - $1,000 value, generously provided by TiVo. As an owner of a Roamio Plus (plus virtually every other connected device), I can attest this is the best of all of them, providing integrated pay-TV and VOD via CableCard, Netflix, Hulu Plus, YouTube, AOL and much more, in addition to 6 tuners, storage for up to 1,000 hours and best of all remote streaming/downloading.

    I'm still finalizing the full program, but I'm excited to share the opening session will be an interview with two of the industry's top researchers, Dounia Turrill, SVP, Client Insights at Nielsen (who oversees, among other things, the company's quarterly Cross-Platform Report, the industry benchmark for understanding viewer behaviors) and Bruce Leichtman, president and principal analyst at Leichtman Research Group, whose broadband, pay-TV and OTT research are widely followed and quoted).

    Dounia and Bruce will share specific data and insights from their research, helping to demystify key industry trends and what to expect ahead. As always, this opening session will be a great stage-setter for the rest of the morning.

    Then we'll dive into TV Everywhere, but through the lens of sports, which have been the most critical driver of adoption. What lessons have been learned and how can TVE be spread to other programming? Colin Dixon will moderate, joined by panelists Clark Pierce from FOX Sports and Vito Forlenza from Comcast (others to follow).

    I'll be sharing details on additional sessions soon. I'm grateful for the support of Lead sponsor Brightcove and Branding sponsors FreeWheel and Tremor Video for this VideoSchmooze (other sponsor opportunities still available, so contact me). The video industry is undergoing unprecedented change, making VideoSchmooze a must-attend event for executives who need to be in the know!

    I look forward to seeing you on Dec. 4th!

  • Save the Date: Next VideoSchmooze Is On Thursday, Dec. 4th in NYC

    Please save the date for the next VideoSchmooze: Online Video Leadership Forum, on Thursday, December 4th, at the Scholastic Auditorium in NYC. This will be the 11th VideoSchmooze and as with all of the previous ones, it will be a top-notch morning of learning and networking with video industry leaders. Continental breakfast will begin at 7:45am and we'll conclude by 12:30pm before lunch.

    2014 has been another incredible year of growth for online and mobile video. Viewers continue to dramatically change their behaviors, with content choices exploding and connected devices for video proliferating. Incumbents are scrambling to adapt while startups continue to innovate. All are positioning themselves for billions of dollars of video-related spending by consumers and advertisers that are up for grabs.

    As with prior VideoSchmoozes, we'll have an impressive array of sessions and speakers, which I'll announce soon, along with special early-bird registration. Last year we had 250+ attendees and I'm confident we'll have a similarly strong turnout this year too. For industry executives who need to cut through the noise and understand what's really happening in video, VideoSchmooze is a must-attend event.

    I'm delighted to have Brightcove, FreeWheel and Tremor Video on board so far as sponsors for this VideoSchmooze. Additional opportunities are available, please contact me if interested.

  • Follow the Eyeballs - Advertising Success in the Multi-Screen Age [AD SUMMIT VIDEO]

    As devices continue to proliferate, reaching viewers across multiple screens is becoming an imperative for advertisers. At the recent Video Ad Summit, one of our sessions focused on how advertisers are beginning to do this and what challenges remain. Participants included Larry Adams (Mindshare), Josh Chasin (comScore), Rob Holmes (Comcast), Chuck Parker (Brightcove), Katie Seitz (Tremor), with moderator Jeff Lanctot (Mixpo).

    watch the session video

  • The Promise and Challenges of Programmatic TV Advertising [AD SUMMIT VIDEO]

    There's a ton of activity in programmatic ad buying against online video, which is now starting to reach TV inventory as well. In a session at the recent Video Ad Summit, Chris Smith, VP, Emerging Media at Turn and John Holmes, Partner at Sq1, explained how they are beginning to automate TV ad buying using programmatic tools and based on users' digital behaviors.

    Chris and John presented 3 short case studies demonstrating how this works with cable and satellite operators, along with some of the results. While they both admit it's still very early days for programmatic TV, it's clearly a trend that's starting to develop.

    watch the session video

  • Viewability: Addressing the Elephant in the Room [AD SUMMIT VIDEO]

    Viewability has emerged as one of the hottest topics in the online video industry this year, for good reason - video ads that aren't seen diminish the advertiser's ROI and undermine the integrity of the market.

    However, the industry is addressing viewability and at the recent Video Ad Summit, IAB presented a session that dug into the details. Participants included Rob Brett (Viacom), Tal Chalozin (Innovid), David Gunzerath (MRC) and Julian Zilberbrand (Zenith Optimedia) with Matt Prohaska moderating.

    watch the session video

  • NewFronts, Upfronts and the Battle for Video Ad Budgets [AD SUMMIT VIDEO]

    One of the highlights of the recent Video Ad Summit was a session including Jackie Kulesza, SVP, Director, Video, Starcom MediaVest and Adam Shlachter, Head of Media Activation, Digitas LBi, focused on the NewFronts, Upfronts and future of video ad budgets. The discussion was driven by Jim Nail, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research.

    Adam and Jackie provided a wealth of insights into how video ad buying has evolved at their agencies and how they believe the market will work down the road. They provide perspectives on the NewFronts, where video ad budgets are being sourced from, how clients' strategies are changing and much more. For anyone looking for the agency perspective on online video advertising, it's a very worthwhile 35 minutes.

    watch the sesion video

  • Case Study: Quiznos Toasty.TV and the ROI of Branded Entertainment [AD SUMMIT VIDEO]

    Connecting with consumers has become harder than ever for brands. Fortunately, online video has opened up a whole new opportunity for brands to act more like publishers than advertisers, doing more storytelling than just advertising. A prime example of a brand that recognized this and developed a winning branded entertainment strategy is Quiznos, which launched "Toasty.TV," a destination for original and curated video.

    Toasty.TV hit it big with its first original video, "House of Thrones," a hilarious mashup between Netflix's "House of Cards" and HBO's "Game of Thrones" generating almost 1.6 million views to date. In this case study presented at the recent Video Ad Summit, Quiznos' VP of Advertising and Marketing Chris Ruszkowski and agency partner Moz Miraba from Windowseat, detail the strategy behind Toasty.TV, how it reached its core millennial audience and the specific results it has driven.

    watch the case study

  • News Corp's Head of Video Explains How Video Has Transformed the WSJ [AD SUMMIT VIDEO]

    At the recent Video Ad Summit, I sat down with Rahul Chopra, News Corp's SVP/global head of video and Chief Revenue Officer of Storyful, which was recently acquired. Rahul has been a key executive behind the Wall Street Journal's highly successful online video strategy and implementation.

    As Rahul explains, the Journal is now producing 150 hours of video per month, delivering 50 million streams across 35 different platforms. Content is created from every one of its international bureaus, which is released and promoted on a 24-hour cycle to match audience interests.

    From an ad sales perspective, Rahul details how video is now part of a holistic go-to-market approach which advertisers are responding to. Inventory has been sold out for a long time and CPM are still rising and are very strong (Rahul would only share the numbers with me privately, but they are eye-popping).

    watch the video

  • Get Beyond the Standard Headlines at the 2014 Reel Video Summit

    Get beyond the standard headlines by attending the 2014 Reel Video Summit, which will be held July 24-25 at the Hotel Nikko in San Francisco.

    The ReelSummit brings together hundreds of executives from brands, agencies, content providers and technology companies. For example, this year’s keynote speakers include:

    Jim Louderback, General Manager of Discovery Digital Networks;

    Jeroen “JW” Wijering, creator of the incredibly successful JW Media Players;

    Jonathan Perelman, GM of Video & VP Agency Strategy at BuzzFeed;

    Jon Klaff, Head of Media Solutions, Brand Activation Team at Google/YouTube.

    This year’s Reel Video Summit schedule has been expanded to a two-day summit featuring insights from the foremost influencers in video marketing, video advertising, and video analytics/results. Attendees can expect candid discussion from leading experts about how they’re succeeding and the key challenges that remain.

    continue reading

  • Land Rover Case Study: How Online Video Drives "Mid-Funnel" Success [AD SUMMIT VIDEO]

    After a short medical leave last week, I'm back in the saddle and have many new videos to share of last month's Video Ad Summit. One of our morning case studies focused on Land Rover and how online video advertising can be used for "mid-funnel" success - combining the best of video's branding reach with the potential of direct-response advertising's lead generation.

    watch the session video

  • Follow Tomorrow's Video Ad Summit on Twitter

    Tomorrow's VideoNuze Online Video Advertising Summit promises to be a premier day of learning and networking for 400+ industry executives already registered. We have 45 industry leaders on 14 different sessions spanning all of the hottest online video ad industry topics (for more, see full program here). On a personal level, I'm looking forward to seeing lots of familiar industry colleagues and meeting many new ones.

    For those that are unable to attend, plan to follow all of the action on Twitter at #VideoAdSummit, which will also be embedded on VideoNuze. For the first time, I'm bringing in a dedicated social media expert, Steve Safran, who will be tweeting all of the day's most important nuggets. In the past, when I've been unable to attend others' conferences I've wanted to, I've found that a high-impact twitter stream is the next best thing to being there. I hope you'll agree.

    And, if you're still considering attending, I'm keeping registration open until 6pm tonight.

    The Ad Summit is generously supported by 18  industry companies including Title Partners Tremor Video and; Premier Partner AOL, Headline Partners ActiveVideo, Alphonso, Brightcove, Eyeview, FreeWheel, LiveRail, Sizmek, TubeMogul, Turn and Videology plus Branding Partners Beachfront Media, Innovid, Mixpo, Optimatic and SpotXchange.

    Learn more and register now!

  • Video Ad Summit Finalized: 45 Speakers, 14 Sessions, 17 Sponsors, All In 1 Amazing Day

    The full program for the June 25th VideoNuze Online Video Advertising Summit in NYC is now complete, with 45 industry leaders set to appear on 14 different sessions that will cover all of the hottest online video ad industry topics (see full program here). If your business relies in any way on online video advertising's success, the Video Ad Summit is a highly-focused, must-attend day of learning.

    With over 350 executives already registered to attend, the Video Ad Summit is also an excellent day of networking and business development. Registrants hail from throughout the ecosystem - ad agencies, brands, content providers, technologists, venture capitalists, journalists and others. With luck the weather will cooperate and we'll have lunch and end-of-day cocktails on the beautiful terrace, with spectacular views of the Empire State Building.

    A few additional bonuses:

    - All attendees will receive complimentary, exclusive access to eMarketer's new mobile video advertising report.

    - All attendees will be able to drop their business card at's table-top to win an iPad Mini.

    - All attendees are also registered for CEWeek's free exhibits and conferences.

    - And all early bird registrants (you know who you are!) are eligible to win a 50-inch Samsung LED Smart TV and Roku Streaming Stick, provided by Innovid.

    The Ad Summit is generously supported by 17 industry companies including Title Partners Tremor Video and; Premier Partner AOL, Headline Partners ActiveVideo, Brightcove, Eyeview, FreeWheel, LiveRail, Sizmek, TubeMogul, Turn and Videology plus Branding Partners Beachfront Media, Innovid, Mixpo, Optimatic and SpotXchange.

    Learn more and register now!

  • LAST DAY to Save $100 on Video Ad Summit Registration and to Win a 50-inch LED TV

    Today is the last day to save $100 on tickets to the June 25th VideoNuze Online Video Advertising Summit in NYC. As a bonus, all early bird registrants will also be entered to win a $1,000 50-inch Samsung LED Smart TV and a Roku Streaming Stick, provided by Innovid. Registrants are also cross-registered for CEWeek's exhibits and free conferences.

    We have an exciting full-day program planned, with executive speakers from A+E Networks, Allstate, AOL, Comcast, comScore, Conde Nast, Digitas, eMarketer, Forrester, Google, GroupM, Hulu, Jaguar Land Rover, Mindshare, News Corp., Nielsen, Newsy, Quiznos, Sporting News Media, StyleHaul, Starcom MediaVest, VEVO, Weather Company, Xaxis and many others. (see program here)

    We'll be covering all of the hottest industry topics in a variety of formats - panel discussions, case studies, fireside chat interviews, presentations and more. For anyone  in the industry looking for a soup-to-nuts deep-dive, and outstanding networking with 300+ industry executives, I highly recommend attending.

    The Ad Summit is generously supported by 15 industry companies including Title Partners Tremor Video and; Premier Partner AOL, Headline Partners ActiveVideo, Brightcove, Eyeview, FreeWheel, LiveRail, TubeMogul, Turn and Videology plus Branding Partners Innovid, Mixpo, Optimatic and SpotXchange.

    Register now and save!

  • Just 2 Days Left to Save $100 on Video Ad Summit Registration and to Win a 50-inch LED TV

    Early bird discounted registration ends this Friday for the June 25th VideoNuze Online Video Advertising Summit in NYC. All early bird registrants save $100 and are entered to win a $1,000 50-inch Samsung LED Smart TV and a Roku Streaming Stick, provided by Innovid.

    The 4th annual VideoNuze Ad Summit is shaping up as a must-attend event for anyone whose business relies on the fast-moving world of online video advertising.

    Our jam-packed program includes speakers from Allstate, AOL, Comcast, Conde Nast, Digitas, eMarketer, Forrester, Google, Hulu, Jaguar Land Rover, Mindshare, News Corp., Nielsen, Quiznos, Sporting News Media, StyleHaul, Starcom MediaVest, VEVO, Weather Company, Xaxis  and many others.

    The Ad Summit is also a high-impact day of industry networking as we typically have around 300-350 attendees from around the ecosystem.

    The Ad Summit is generously supported by 15  industry companies including Title Partners Tremor Video and; Premier Partner AOL, Headline Partners ActiveVideo, Brightcove, Eyeview, FreeWheel, LiveRail, TubeMogul, Turn and Videology plus Branding Partners Innovid, Mixpo, Optimatic and SpotXchange.

    Don't delay - register now and save!

  • Early Bird Discount Ends in a Week for Video Ad Summit: Save $100 Now and Win a 50-inch LED TV

    There's just one week left to take advantage of early bird discounted registration for the June 25th VideoNuze Online Video Advertising Summit in NYC. All early bird registrants save $100 and are entered to win a $1,000 50-inch Samsung LED Smart TV and a Roku Streaming Stick, provided by Innovid. If you're thinking of coming, now's the time to act!

    I'm super-excited about the 4th annual VideoNuze Ad Summit as we'll be diving into so many of the hottest topics in the industry today such as multi-screen, branded entertainment, NewFronts/Upfronts, mobile video, programmatic (from both buy and sell sides), merging of TV and online, and more.

    We'll also have great case studies on how marketers are leveraging online video advertising in new and effective ways. Kicking the day off will be eMarketer's David Hallerman, who will share his forecast for video advertising's growth, along with the dependencies.

    The Video Ad Summit is all about learning and executives from leading companies such as Allstate, Comcast, Conde Nast, Digitas, eMarketer, Forrester, Google, Hulu, Jaguar Land Rover, News Corp., Nielsen, Quiznos, Sporting News Media, StyleHaul, Starcom MediaVest, VEVO, Weather Company, Xaxis - plus many others - will be sharing insights.

    The Ad Summit is also a high-impact day of industry networking as we typically have around 300-350 attendees from around the ecosystem.

    The Ad Summit is generously supported by 15  industry companies including Title Partners Tremor Video and; Premier Partner AOL, Headline Partners ActiveVideo, Brightcove, Eyeview, FreeWheel, LiveRail, TubeMogul, Turn and Videology plus Branding Partners Innovid, Mixpo, Optimatic and SpotXchange.

    Register now and save!